Sunday, June 29, 2008

Saturday, 6/28/08

Went to Maine last weekend, nice salt air in Penobscot, only one thing-no farmers market.
Saturday was great, many visitors from away. I love the noise level, the chatter, the familiar and new faces. It occurred to me Saturday that Market makes a nice safe haven from the worries of the "real" world. Maybe I'll just sleep all week and wake up Saturday.

Jerry's flowers

Moms of the world, unite!

Cute kid of the day

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Saturday, 6/14/08

Another great day. The second Kids Day. We had kids selling everything from cookies to jewelry to drawings, with a young sketch artist created likenesses of passersby. A warm, sunny atmosphere made for a busy market all day long.

That's a nice Market crowd.

Ingrid Burrows and some of her crafts.

And we had singers, too!

Friday, June 13, 2008

First Wednesday Market of the season

Now you can find locally produced crops, crafts and food at two locations, with the opening of the Wednesday Market at the Brattleboro Food Co-op parking lot. My new Vado camcorder just arrived, so I did a short video tour of the Market event. See you Saturday.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

June 7. 2008

The day started out gray and damp, and ended up hot and sunny. The heifers strolled downtown while the Market rocked.

"Housetop", my new favorite Market band.

Here are some random Market vendor images. See you next week.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

May 31, 2008

The weather forecast called for "violent thunderstorms". I guess Saturday missed the memo, because we had great market weather.

The Farmers Market is a well known stop on the legendary
"Underground Doggie Railroad".

Must-get-away-from-Crazy-Hugging-Guy! Aiieee!!

Fine bluegrass music.