Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Saturday Market June 25, 2011

So, this was one of those Market days-cloudy, cool, with no rain during Market. It has been raining so much lately that my deck has been covered with green mold-rather slippery. Saturday the rain stopped til late afternoon. Yay!
We had another great down home band-this one playing Irish music. I finally found a tattoo to snap. A brave fellow ventured out in short sleeves and graciously donated his tat image.
This week I decided to alter the pictures to be artsy-ish. I used the online BeFunky program. I have it as a web app in my Chrome dashboard. Woooo....So techy. Later. Rara Avis

I pointed the camera, and they just posed and smiled.
I love market kids.

Market goers in motion.

Tat of the week.

The wait isn't really that long.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Saturday Market June 18, 2011

Wow! It’s been a while. Last Saturday rained buckets-nothing much to photograph. The week before was “Strollin’ of the Heifers” day. I don’t do Market that day because, ironically, an ostensibly “local” farm-oriented event manages to kill attendance of the actual local farming event of the week. “Strollin’” seems to get more corporate every year, so I just choose to stay home and herd cats that day.

Anyhoo, this Saturday was a sunny, breezy, perfect day for Market. We had fiddle music, and flowers, and squealing kids-everything I love about the place. Rara Avis


A fiddle and a squeezebox, with kids in attendance

Miss Kyra Sedgwick, on hiatus from The Closer, visits the Market.

Another smiling face...

And another.

Leaning Tower of Bread

THERE'S a maniacal grin!