Saturday, October 19, 2013

Saturday Market 10/19/13

The best aspect of being a Market vendor for me, has been all the people I have gotten to know over these 19 years. This Market has been my social scene, and these Market goers have been my (coffee) drinking buddies. I'm a lucky dude.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Saturday Market 9/28/13

Perfect. Autumn. Day.

 Cute kid  of the day

 The Fiddlin' Fillies return again.

 This bag of goo, plus about a week...(see below)

 ...turns into mushrooms like these.

 Waiting for sandbox playmates?


 These guys are great...Alabama blues sound

Amelia has a large collection of fine hats.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Saturday Market 9/14/13

Nice weather-sunny and cool-No color yet, but soon I'm sure. It was cool enough to allow me to pull out the hot percolator basket with my bare fingers-always draws a crowd!

 Some shirts,some jackets..

 Kid carrier-I guess?

 Hat of the week

 Fake food! Amber does a wonderful job.

 Smiles all around

 Bluegrass band with conga drum. Wait, what?

 Nice photo bomb

Dim Sum decisions

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Saturday Market 8/31/13

Looks like we missed the rain again. Market has the power of The Obeya. (007 reference)

 Cool valve trombone, yo.


 Aaaaaand..the drummer-so cool!

 Pix of Jerry's flowers

 Big puddle, yet no rain


 Susan from Florida, with Irv in the background

 Chloe and Libby