Monday, January 23, 2017

Winter Market 1/21/17

Kind of a warmish day for market Saturday. As shoppers browsed the booths of fruits, vegetables, house plants, chocolate, bread, clothes, jewelry, and listened to some down home music, the crowed of pussy-hatted demonstrators gathered outside for the local Womens' March and demonstration, supported by women and men alike. There were about 200 marchers across the street at Pliny Park.

 Amy deep in thought

 Have some local, winter carrots.

 Chocolate/Chocolate. What could be better?

 These are some colorful hand knits.

 Ready for the march.

 Sconey scones.

Finally got Trish to grin for the camera. Hi, Trish.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Winter Market 1/7/17

Mighty cold Saturday. Another 18 months till Spring-feels that way to me. Nice and warm inside the River Garden. Crowds seem larger this year. Vermont small town commerce remains a draw for visitors. Here's some product pix.

Leaning tower of eggs

 Elderberries supposed to be good for you

 Cookius Bicolor

 Headgear for all the wizards

 This is what we do with our endless cold Winter nights-Make jam.

 Pears? In January? In Vermont? Why yes! Miller Farm has them.

 How about some relish

Trish grins as always-behind her Good Body Products 

 Jerry makes huge batches of maple syrup at Deer Ridge Farm

I guess this is an instructional manual for angels. Market is kind of a fantasy world.