Monday, May 28, 2018

Saturday 5/26/18

Massive crowds for Memorial Day. People came from all over to check out Southern Vermont and the Brattleboro Farmers Market. A great band played blue-grassy music on fiddle, guitar and squeezebox. Little kids ran around the place, digging in the sand box. A very active, festive day at Market.  

 Imelda is a peach

 Cute kid walks right by the donuts!

 Red hair of the week

 Making a point-Political? Trump? Bernie?

 Crowd of kiddies gathers to listen to the band

 Eloise and Co rocks the place. Couldn't get there-too busy-so I shot the scene from my booth.

 Naatsha pretty much runs the booth for Varee now

 Smiley Blondie

 Tat of the Week

Wells returns-Just got back from a world surfing tour

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Saturday Market 5/5/18 Opening day

Welcome Back To Market! After a long, cold, lonely winter, the Market makes it all worthwhile. We had a gigantic crowd, new vendors, and great weather. 
Dancers did a Maypole celebration. There was a roving group of fiddlers with little kids in tow. Three Morris Dancer groups danced with jingling bells on their legs.
This makes my 27th year at Market. The third generation of Market goers now comes to my booth every week for cookies with their moms and dads and grandparents. Market is my favorite place. 

Looking over the shoulder of Meghan, our intrepid manager, as she regards the sand box on site cleanup day two weeks ago.

Giant crowd opening day.

Roving fiddlers.

And more fiddlers.

Mom trying to get kid to sample kale pesto.


Video would not fit on this blog. Click the link below for Morris dancer video.