Sunday, August 21, 2011

Saturday Market August 20, 2011

Sooo……some trees in the yard have started turning already…and me without any wood stacked-or piled-or even ordered. Guess I’d better get on that. Well, the Market’s doing great. We had about a billion visitors this week, or maybe a million. The fiddle music really rocked the place. Everything is in season including those cute little husk tomatoes, also called ground cherries. You just squeeze them out of the outer husks and pop them into your mouth…mmmmm.

John's ready for vacay.

Tat of the week

This mild mannered looking duo just killed. People gyrated themselves into a daze, and later on the band took hostages. We're still searching.

That's fresh mozzarella on the slice.

Kurt's latest photobomb

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