Friday, June 29, 2018

Saturday market 6/23/18

Another great day at Market. The tuned steeldrum and didgereedoo dudes played unearthly sounding music, to everyone's delight. People came by just to look at and try the instruments. 
The number of kids running around the place is a source of amazement and joy. If not the Happiest Place on Earth, Market is certainly the Happiest Place in Vermont. Almost July. Get out here before Summer ends.

 There is the didgeridoo poking out of the tent-canopy-stage thing.

 Imelda and helper arrange produce and flowers.

 This week's Lady in Blue

 Mother and Child

 That's a 600-700 degree wood fired pizza oven.

 Smiley shirt guy gets a whoopie pie every week.


 Jack Hinckley and Whirlwinds

Here's Zinnia. Hi Zinnia!

Stockwells playing

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