Sunday, May 25, 2008

May 24, 2008, Memorial Day Weekend

Even nicer sunny, breezy day than last week. We had cars streaming in all day long. I was so busy I only had 1 cup of coffee, instead of my usual 9 or 10. Is there somewhere in the world that has weather like this all the time? Let's move there.

Happy people line up for a Thai food lunch.

Market totes illustrate our motto, "Home Made, Home Grown, Hand Crafted."

Crepes at Market-Whodathunkit? Better get there early.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

May 17, 2008, Kid's Day

Another pleasant Spring day at Market. We had many visitors from all over the region. I think the rising price of gasoline has increased our business, the Farmers' Market being a much shorter drive than many traditional destinations in New England.

Budding capitalists sell trinkets on the first Kid's Day of the season.

Wine from Putney, VT? Check out the offerings at the Putney Mountain Winery.

Ra VanDyk performs the Vulcan Mind Meld on a hapless Market goer. Seriously, this guy can really adjust your disposition.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Neil Harley brews chai

Our featured booth of the week is Neil Harley's Chai Wallah.
Have a cup of eye-opening chai, and take home some mix to make your own.

Rock and Roll Kid performs at Market

This is his third year at Market!

Busy Saturday at Market 5.10.08

This is the kind of day that makes me remember why I live in Vermont; sunny, cool breezy, with smiling people enjoying the Brattleboro Farmers Market.
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Monday, May 5, 2008

Opening day at the Farmers Market

Well, opening day of Market was quite well attended. Even with all the cold and rain, we had a great turnout of mostly local customers. Bigger news this weekend involved the Putney General Store, which burned to a charred shell Saturday night. Story and pictures can be found at