Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Saturday Market 6.22.19

Weather continues to be perfect Vermont Farmers Market weather. Sunny, breezy, cool. It's always like this, right?
Of course, now that Summer is officially here I'm already thinking about the cold to come. Better get in some firewood soon. Oh well, if the seasons didn't change it wouldn't be Vermont. Still love it here.
Next week we will be visited by kids from SIT, the School for International Training. We're having Iraqi kids next week. They're always great. Can't wait.

 Biker ready for anything

 My pal Cindy back for another Market year.

 There's a summer dress.

 Grayson is now 5. This is his 4th year visiting.

 Mike solves the problems of the world. Brings his own audience.

 Hi, Ruthie.

Kathleen styling in her cool hat. Looking good Darlin'.

Stockwell Brothers are the best.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Saturday Market 6/8/19

Well, Strolling of the Heifers Day is here in Brattleboro today, which means downtown will get flooded with visitors, and the Market will suffer a loss of business. Happens every year. I look at it as a chance to roam around Market snapping pics. On a normal Market day I can't really get away from my booth, so it's fine. 
Weather great again. June is usually the nicest Vermont weather of the year, at least for those of us who don't ski. 
The crowd was smaller but lively, with a good Celtic band and kiddies dancing. Here's some pics, RaRa.

Cathi and her Sweet Sheep creations

Purple dress, purple glasses-perfect.

There's a cute kid.

Jennifer with her Rockingham Roasters coffee.

Mary Ellen and her High Goose Farm currants.

Madame Jo's crepes sizzling in the pan.

Susan's lemonade.

Hairdo of the week.

Sid and Nancy go incognito in Southern VT.

Kelsey sells great gluten free treats at The Hidden Bean.

Inisheer killing it under the big tree.