Sunday, August 22, 2021

Brattleboro Farmers Market August 21, 2021

Arriving back at Market, after a year-and-a-half absence, I took note of the changes to the site setup since last I sold my coffee and cookies by the big tree. Food vendors now occupy a separate and apart area of the Market, in full sunlight. It’s very hot there under the canopies that serve as broilers.
I would guess the new arrangement is a vestige of covid inspired safety measures. Seems kind of silly to keep those measures in place now, but there you have it.
At least one of my food vendor compatriots has expressed displeasure at the new setup, and wishes to return to the classic Market circle, with farm, food, and craft vendors interspersed throughout. Hopefully that return to the original look of Market can happen soon. Meanwhile, I have composed a series of photos from 2018-19, the last normal years, to illustrate how the place looked back then. Enjoy. Rara

I love tattoos



Market debate club

Kim has something to say.

Nice crowd of kids

Here's a cute one

Remember the SIT students?

Great hat

Another cute kid

Hairdo of the season

My booth under the tree

Johanna prepares crepes

My friend Smiley with some kids

Kurt is out west right now. Come back soon, Kurt.

Happy crowd

And again

Nice earring

Tasha and mom Varee work their booth

Is that a sand box in the background?

Imelda always stuns

Hope they bring back the sandbox. Kids love it.

Music brightens the day

Nice crown

More SIT kids.

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